The Cost of Kidney Transplants in India: Exploring Affordable Options for International Patients

Are you or someone you know in need of a kidney transplant? The cost of this life-saving procedure can be overwhelmingly high, especially for those living in countries with limited healthcare resources. However, there is a glimmer of hope in the form of affordable options in India. In recent years, India has emerged as a leading destination for medical tourism, offering world-class healthcare facilities and highly skilled doctors at a fraction of the cost compared to other countries. This article will delve into the cost of kidney transplants in India and explore the affordable options available for international patients. From the initial evaluation to post-transplant care, we will guide you through the entire process, shedding light on the financial aspects and ensuring that you make an informed decision about your healthcare journey with HTI. Join us as we uncover the possibilities and potential savings that await those seeking kidney transplants in India.

Kidney Transplant cost in India depends on the condition of patients & donors. We can discuss fees based on the most common scenarios to give an idea.

Kidney transplant starts from 12000$ to 14000$. 

Above mentioned cost is for international patients and domestic patients Kidney transplant cost is less than this. Above mentioned cost can vary as per surgery procedures or complications; however, these are standard charges.

What is Kidney?

The human kidney is a significant essential organ for sustaining general health. Normal human anatomy has two kidneys, one on each side of the spine, below the ribs. A kidney is made of tiny millions of filters and that’s why its function is to remove waste materials and extra fluid from the blood and pass it through urine.

The body’s system for filtering and getting rid of the waste process is done by the kidneys. The kidneys filter up to one-third of the blood that leaves the heart before continuing to the remainder of the body’s tissues. Although a person may survive with only one functional kidney, since our kidneys are essential organs, losing both would cause a fast buildup of wastes and cause us to pass out within a few days.

Importance of Kidney: – To make your nerves, muscles, and tissues work properly kidney carries a balance of our body’s water, salt, minerals, and impurity from blood.

Kidney Functions: – A human body can survive with one kidney as well; however, if both kidneys quit working, the body won’t be able to remove waste from the body, and the individual might pass away in a matter of days. Medical technology has changed a lot in recent years and now death only happens when no medical facility is available or when diseases are not diagnosed on time.

Let’s discuss kidney function in medical language.

  1. Blood Filtration: The kidneys’ main job is to remove extra chemicals, poisons, and waste from circulation. 1/3 amount of blood is filtered by the kidneys to keep the body balance.
  2. Waste Excretion:The body excretes filtered waste products, such as urea, creatinine, and uric acid, through the urine. It aids in preventing the buildup of dangerous compounds that otherwise may result in toxicity and health issues.
  3. Water and Electrolyte Balance: The kidney maintains a steady internal environment of water and electrolytes to be reabsorbed or eliminated in the urine.
  4. Acid-Base Balance: By excreting hydrogen ions and reabsorbing bicarbonate ions, the kidneys assist in controlling the body’s pH level. For the efficient operation of enzymes and other biological activities, this acid-base balance is essential.
  5. Blood Pressure Regulation: – Maintaining blood pressure levels depends on the kidney by controlling blood in circulation.
  6. Vitamin D Activation: –To maintain bone health kidney converts inactive vitamin D to active.
  7. Red blood 11cell production: – Erythropoietin, a hormone produced and released by the kidneys, causes the bone marrow to generate erythrocytes or red blood cells. Red blood cells must transport oxygen to tissues and organs.

Symptoms of Kidney damage: – 

  1. Fatigue and Weakness
  2. Shortness of Breath
  3. Fluid Retention and Weight Gain
  4. Hypertension & Sleep disorder
  5. Nausea and Vomiting
  6. Loss of Appetite
  7. Metallic Taste in the Mouth and Ammonia Breath
  8. Itching and Skin Rashes
  9. Muscle Cramps and Twitching
  10. Bone Pain and Fractures
  11. Swelling: Edema in legs, ankles, feet, and around the eyes
  12. Changes in Urination

Types of Kidney diseases: – 

  1. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
  2. Kidney Stone
  3. Polycystic Kidney Disease
  4. aHUS
  5. IgA Nephropathy
  6. Glomerulonephritis
  7. Kidney Failure: – are two types

 Acute Kidney Injury (AKI):  is also known as acute renal failure. Acute means quickly and it leads to sudden kidney function loss. AKI appears due to some reasons like existing major illnesses or injuries.

Kidney Disease (CKD):- CKD often results from chronic kidney-damaging illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension, glomerulonephritis, or polycystic kidney disease.



 Haemodialysis: – 

In haemodialysis, wastes are removed from your blood by passing it through a filter outside of your body.

Peritoneal Dialysis: – 

With peritoneal dialysis, wastes are removed from your blood by filtering them through the lining of your abdomen.

Kidney Transplant: – 

Surgery to implant a healthy kidney from a recently deceased person or a live person into your body to filter your blood is known as a kidney transplant.

What is a kidney Transplant?

A kidney transplant is the 3rd treatment option for a kidney damage person. It’s a medical procedure, and the sort of surgery chosen depends on the patient’s kidney health. In the transplant process, a healthy kidney from a live donor replaces an existing diseased kidney or replaced it from the deceased person.

Process: – For the right individuals, the kidney transplant operation is a challenging and life-altering treatment that may lead to an improvement in long-term health and quality of life. To guarantee the success of the transplant and the health of both the donor and the recipient, it also needs considerable thinking, dedication, and continued medical care.

Evaluation: – A thorough medical examination is performed on the potential recipient to see if they are a good candidate for a kidney transplant. To evaluate both kidney function and general health, this assessment also involves a physical examination, medical history, blood tests, imaging, and other specialized testing.

The transplant team assesses the recipient’s medical background, including any prior illnesses or procedures, to find any elements that could have an impact on the transplant’s outcome.

A detailed assessment is also performed on the possible live donor (if relevant) to determine their appropriateness as a kidney donor.

  1. Preparation: – The operation is planned for living donor transplants so that the donor and recipient can both mentally and physically be ready for it.

When a suitable deceased donor kidney becomes available, the receiver of a deceased donor transplant is on call and prepared for operation.

  1. Surgery: – The donor and the receiver of the kidney transplant undergo general anaesthesia throughout the procedure. On average, a kidney transplant procedure can last between three and four hours; however, it also depends on many factors like the surgical team, experiences, and/

patient condition.

In a living donor transplant, the recipient’s lower abdomen receives the given kidney after the donor’s kidney is medically removed.

In a dead donor transplant, the recipient receives the given kidney after it’s removed from the deceased donor.

  1. Post-Surgery: – The patient is closely watched after surgery to make sure the new kidney is functioning well and that there are no issues.

Immunosuppressive drugs are administered to the recipient to avoid organ rejection, and other medications may be required to treat the postoperative side effects and problems.

  1. Recovery: –

Depending on how quickly the patient is recovering, the donor and receiver typically stay in the hospital for days to a week. Both the donor and the recipient must schedule routine follow-up appointments with the transplant team to check on their general health and kidney function after being released from the hospital.

Test: – Test types and numbers of tests do changes as per patient and donor condition; and it also depends on location, hospitals, and types of surgery.

A few test names below mentioned which are majorly required for transplant surgery.

    • Blood tests: Blood group and crossmatching
    • Complete Blood Count (CBC)
    • Blood chemistry tests: To assess kidney function, electrolyte levels, and overall health
    • Viral markers: To screen for infections such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV
    • Serology tests: To check for other infections
    • HLA typing and crossmatching: To assess compatibility with potential donors
    • Urinalysis and urine culture: To assess kidney function and screen for infections
    • Imaging studies: Ultrasonography, CT scan, or MRI of the abdomen to evaluate kidney anatomy and condition
    • Cardiac evaluation: ECG, echocardiogram, and stress tests to assess cardiovascular health
    • Pulmonary function tests: To evaluate lung function
    • Psychological assessment: To assess mental and emotional readiness for the transplant process

The cost of kidney transplant evaluation and surgery in India can range from several lakhs to several crores of Indian rupees, depending on various factors. Government hospitals may offer lower costs compared to private hospitals. It’s advisable to contact transplant centres directly to inquire about the tests, procedures, and associated costs involved in a kidney transplant.

This is informational blog not educational blog. If our reader need more accurate details about any type of kidney treatment you can contact India medical tourism company HEALTH TREATMENT IN INDIA. They offer affordable medical treatment in India and charge nothing for their services.