For various reasons, India is a popular destination for international patients who need bone marrow transplants. One of the main reasons is the cost-effectiveness of healthcare services in India, which includes hospital fees, accommodation, and medical procedures. Unlike many Western countries, the expenses related to bone marrow transplants in India are often considerably lower. India has high-quality healthcare facilities equipped with modern infrastructure and technology. In addition, the country has a pool of experienced and skilled medical professionals who specialize in haematological disorders and transplant procedures. Another advantage is that there are no long waiting lists for bone marrow transplants in India, meaning patients have quicker access to life-saving procedures. India’s diverse population contributes to a broad donor pool, increasing the chances of finding suitable matches for patients of various ethnic backgrounds. The country’s proficiency in English, well-developed post-transplant care, and the opportunity for patients to combine medical treatment with tourism further enhance India’s appeal as a preferred destination for international individuals seeking bone marrow transplants.

What is BMT? 

A bone marrow transplant is a medical treatment in which damaged or destroyed bone marrow is replaced with healthy stem cells due to infection, illness, or chemotherapy. The soft, fatty tissue inside your breastbone (sternum) and pelvic bones, known as bone marrow, produces red blood cells, which transport nutrients and oxygen throughout the body. Bone marrow also stimulates white blood cells, which fight infection, and platelets, which help clots form. The bone marrow is responsible for the production of blood cells. All of your blood cells are produced by stem cells in your bone marrow. This procedure routinely treats some malignancies and other bone marrow diseases.

Bone Marrow Transplant in India (BMT) costs from $15000 to $50000. This cost is not fixed and varies with BMT types, hospitals, locations and doctors. Patients should always take a 5% to 10% buffer with the price mentioned earlier as per the patient’s condition before and after consultation.

In which cases is BMT required?

  • Leukaemia’s: 
  • Lymphomas: 
  • Multiple Myeloma:
  • Aplastic Anaemia:
  • Immune deficiency disorders
  • Some solid-tumour cancers (in rare circumstances)

Types of BMT

  1. Autologous bone marrow transplant: – The patient is the donor. Stem cells are extracted from the patient via bone marrow harvest or apheresis (the technique of collecting peripheral blood stem cells), frozen, and then returned to the patient following intense treatment. The phrase “rescue” is frequently used instead of “transplant.” $21,000 – $23,600
  2. Allogeneic bone marrow transplant: – The donor and the patient have the same genetic type. Stem cells are obtained from a genetically matched donor, generally a brother or sister, via bone marrow extraction or apheresis. This treatment cost is $35,000 – $42,000. Other potential donors for allogeneic bone marrow transplants include:

Parent: – A guardian. When the donor is a parent, and the genetic match is at least half identical to the recipient, this is referred to as a haploid-identical match. These transplants are rare.

Unrelated bone marrow transplants (UBMT or MUD for matched unrelated donor): – An unrelated donor provided the genetically matching marrow or stem cells. National bone marrow registries are used to find unrelated donors.

  1. Umbilical cord blood transplant: – Stem cells are extracted from an infant’s umbilical cord right after birth. These stem cells become mature, working blood cells faster and more effectively than stem cells derived from another child’s or adult’s bone marrow. The stem cells are examined, typed, numbered, and frozen until used in a transplant. The cost of this process is $ 18,000 – $ 36,000.
  2. Haploidentical transplant: – A haploidentical transplant, commonly known as a haploidentical hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT), is a form of stem cell transplant used to treat many diseases, most notably hematologic malignancies and blood and immune system problems. A “haploidentical” donor is just a half-match for the receiver. This type of BMT treatment costs $49,000 – $56,000.

Diagnose tests: – 

  • Blood tests
  • Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy
  • XRAY, CT or MRI for imaging study
  • Preparative Regimen Evaluation
  • Infectious Disease Screening
  • Pulmonary Function Tests
  • Cardiac Evaluation
  • Psychosocial Assessment
  • Donor Compatibility Testing (for Allogeneic Transplants)

BMT treatment test costs in India are under $1000 to $2000. 

Risks & Survival Chances: – A bone marrow transplant is a complex process that a medical professional must perform. A multidisciplinary team approach can successfully control the risks and consequences that follow a BMT.

  1. Infection
  2. Side-effects
  3. Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD)
  4. Failure to engraft
  5. Relapse

Although specific hazards are associated with bone marrow transplant surgery, the benefits outweigh the risks. Because bone marrow transplant is the only known treatment for illnesses such as Thalassemia, it is considered a life-saving surgery. Individuals who have a bone marrow transplant may have a better chance of long-term survival and may be able to resume regular activities.

 Expert in Bone Marrow Transplant in India

  1. Dr Rahul Bhargava
  2. Dr Dharma R Choudhary
  3. Dr Vikas Dua
  4. Dr Sameer A. Tulpule
  5. Dr Nitin Sood
  6. Pawan Kumar Singh
  7. Shishir Seth
  8. Dr Ashok Kumar Vaid

How can medical tourism companies help you to find good bone marrow treatment in India?

Indian medical tourism companies have a vast network of top surgeons and hospitals in India, making it easier for you to locate a reputable doctor and facility. They offer low-cost packages for local and foreign patients, specifically designed to provide the advantage of a bone marrow transplant in India. These packages come with a range of amenities that you can benefit from.

  • Fully Equipped Hospitals with Technologies and safety
  • Have 24*7 Nursing Care
  • Zero Waiting Time
  • Hospitals with Emergency Care Facilities
  • Trained and Experienced staff
  • Modernized medical infrastructure
  • Highly affordable treatment
  • Quick medical visa facilities
  • Safe and comfortable accommodation

HTIndia Healthcare is a leading Indian medical tourism company that offers the best services to patients for free. HTI has served more than 2000 patients worldwide with world-class services. HTI provides various services to the patients like accommodation, transportation, language assistance, discounted medicine, free consultation, multiple treatment options and team support 24*7.