Hepatitis Treatment Cost in India

Each year, Hepatitis Day is celebrated on the 28th of July by the WHO to spread awareness about hepatitis, prevention, and treatment.

What is Hepatitis?

Hepatitis is a medical disorder characterized by liver inflammation. A variety of reasons, such as viral infections, excessive alcohol intake, autoimmune illnesses, and certain drugs or poisons, can cause it. There are various forms of hepatitis, the most prevalent of which are hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E, which are caused chiefly by viral infections.

Apart from the types mentioned above, there are a few more non-viral hepatitis causes, including autoimmune hepatitis, alcoholic hepatitis, and drug-induced hepatitis.

Types of Hepatitis

Hepatitis A: – is usually spread through consuming contaminated food or water and is characterized by acute, short-term symptoms. The hepatitis A virus (HAV) causes a vaccine-preventable liver infection known as hepatitis A. HAV is discovered in the stool and blood of infected patients. Hepatitis A is a contagious disease that spreads when someone unintentionally consumes the virus by consuming contaminated food or drink or through close personal contact with an infected person. It does not result in chronic infection. 

Symptoms: – fatigue, nausea, stomach pain, and jaundice can last up to 2 months.

Treatment: – Vaccination can prevent 

Hepatitis B: – The hepatitis B virus (HBV) causes a vaccine-preventable liver illness. Hepatitis B is a transient condition. Others may develop a long-term, chronic infection, which can lead to significant, even life-threatening, health problems such as liver disease or liver cancer. Age influences whether hepatitis B becomes chronic.

Hepatitis B disperses via contaminated blood links or bodily fluids, such as sexual intercourse, needle sharing, or transmission from an infected mother to her infant after childbirth. Chronic hepatitis B can cause long-term liver issues such as cirrhosis and liver cancer. 

Symptoms: – fatigue, poor appetite, stomach pain, nausea, and jaundice.

Treatment: – Vaccination before turning into a long-run infection. Hepatitis B is one of the most severe types of hepatitis viruses; however, vaccination is advised for all newborns, toddlers, and adults. 

Three types of vaccination have to be taken up to five years. All three vaccination costs lie down under $50-$100. Vaccination series costs can vary per location and hospital. It can cost $500, including consultation, blood tests and other miscellaneous charges. If the virus spreads, treatment will be more costly and take longer. 

Hepatitis C: – a liver infection caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). Hepatitis C is a short-term disease but develops into a long-term, chronic condition for more than half of those infected with the virus. Chronic hepatitis C can cause severe and fatal health and liver issues. It spreads through contact with infected people’s blood. Nowadays, most persons get hepatitis C from sharing needles or other drug-preparation and injection equipment.  

Treatment: – No Vaccine is available for C type. Medication is available. 

Medicians for hepatitis C specifically target the virus’s replication mechanism. The HCV genotype, prior treatment history, and the existence of liver cirrhosis or other underlying liver diseases will all influence the specific hepatitis C medication regimen. The hepatitis C treatment is SVR (Sustained Virologic Response), implying that the virus is no longer detected in the blood six months after treatment. However, continuous monitoring of liver function, HCV RNA levels, and other relevant markers is necessary both during and after treatment to assess treatment response and detect potential problems. Hepatitis C treatment is done within $1000 in India.

Hepatitis D: – is known as delta hepatitis or satellite virus. It doesn’t occur independently; it is only triggered by the B type. If the patient is diagnosed with hepatitis B, the chances of being infected with the D virus will increase. The delta virus is faulty and does not produce its shell, so you can only get it if you have hepatitis B. Because it is only a fragment of genetic information, it employs the hepatitis B shell. As a result, preventing hepatitis B also prevents hepatitis D.HDV, like HBV, is spread through contact with infected blood or other bodily fluids during unprotected sexual contact or needle sharing. Furthermore, an infected mother might transmit both HBV and HDV to her kid during birthing.

Treatment: – No particular antiviral drugs are available to treat HDV directly. The best way to avoid HDV infection is to prevent hepatitis B. HDV activity can be suppressed by antiviral medicines used to treat hepatitis B. These drugs work by lowering HBV viral replication and liver inflammation, which helps to decrease HDV infection indirectly. The cost will lie down between $100 and $500.

Hepatitis E: – Hepatitis E is a liver illness caused by infection with the hepatitis E virus (HEV). It is found all across the world, but it is most common in East and South Asia. It is typically transmitted, like hepatitis A, through the intake of contaminated water or food, particularly in communities with inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene habits.

Treatment: – Hepatitis E vaccine has been developed and licensed only in China, but it is not yet available worldwide.

Hepatitis E, like hepatitis A, heals typically on its own without particular therapy, and most people recover without long-term complications.

“Clinically, hepatitis A and E behave similarly regarding transmission routes and outcomes.” They are usually milder, and few recover without apparent symptoms, particularly with E.”


  • fever
  • fatigue
  • loss of appetite
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • abdominal pain
  • dark urine
  • light-coloured stools
  • joint pain and jaundice

Diagnose Test

  • The hepatitis virus panel: – ($100) is a series of blood tests that detects hepatitis.
  • Quantitative test: – ($20-$50) tests to check virus value 
  • Fibro scan: – ($100 – $200) test to check liver condition or cirrhosis

Why should you choose treatment in India?

HTI is a renowned medical tourism company in India that services patients from all over the world. Every patient has access to all of HTI’s services. Choosing HTI for hepatitis treatment will result in a customized solution tailored to your needs.

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