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Best Lung Cancer Treatment Hospitals in India

Lung cancer is a type of cancer that originates in the cells of the lungs. The purpose of the lungs is to get oxygen from the air and supply it to the bloodstream. Lung cancer is usually caused by the uncontrolled growth of cells in the lungs. The primary reason for the increased cases of lung cancer is the use of tobacco products. However, non-smokers are also susceptible to developing lung cancer. Factors such as exposure to second-hand smoke, environmental pollutants, radon gas, and genetic predisposition can contribute to the risk.

Types of lung cancer: 

  1. Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)
  2. Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC)
  3. Lung Nodules
  4. Mesothelioma 
  5. Chest Wall Tumours
  6. Metastasized Cancer

India is increasingly becoming a preferred destination for international patients seeking lung cancer treatment. The cost of lung cancer treatment, including surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy, is generally lower in India, which makes healthcare more accessible to patients seeking quality treatment at a lower cost. Despite cost-effectiveness, India has many of the best lung cancer hospitals and healthcare facilities that meet international standards. Some hospitals in India are equipped with advanced technology, and many healthcare professionals receive training and education from reputable institutions worldwide. Indian doctors and medical staff are often highly skilled and experienced.

India has made significant advancements in medical technology and healthcare infrastructure. Many hospitals offer advanced treatments for lung cancer, including targeted therapy, immunotherapy, and minimally invasive surgical procedures. International patients do not face language barriers as English is widely spoken. Additionally, some interpreters speak various international languages. 

Anyone looking for suitable lung cancer treatment must know about India’s best hospitals.  

  • Fortis (Gurgaon): – Fortis Hospital is a well-known healthcare provider in India, and the facility in Gurgaon is equipped with advanced technology for cancer treatment. FMRI has an experienced oncologist team specializing in lung cancer. Fortis is JCI & NABH ACCREDITED HOSPITAL. They have 4300 beds facilities and 11700 staff members working with them in 27 Fortis branches. Fortis Group has designed individual digital platforms like website/Facebook and other digital media channels for its branches to make it easy to access and connect with them; this is one of the reasons to consider Fortis one of the best hospitals for lung cancer treatment. 

Fortis Hospital

  • Artemis: Artemis Hospitals in Gurgaon is renowned for its exceptional oncology services. Their dedicated team of specialists provides comprehensive care for patients with lung cancer. It is one of the best hospitals in India for lung cancer treatment. Artemis was established in 2007, boasting 380 beds and a staff of over 600 doctors. Artemis is known for its patient-centric approach and quality-based treatment. The hospital is licensed and equipped with the latest medical equipment, and it adopts a multidisciplinary approach to provide the best possible care for its patients.

  • Medanta: – Medicity is a multi-speciality hospital with advanced infrastructure and skilled nephrology specialists. With a patient-centric approach and advanced technologies, Medanta offers comprehensive cancer treatment. The hospital is known as one of India’s best lung cancer treatment centres due to its high-quality medical care and treatment, a wide range of specialities, experienced medical experts, and a focus on patient care rather than business. In addition to this, Medanta also provides blood banks, urgent pathology services, and nursing care to its patients. 


  • MAX: – Max Healthcare has 17 branches all over India with a 3500-bed facility and a concise team of 2300 expert doctors, 3300 nurses, and 3200 trained medical staff. Max Healthcare is well-known for its competence in Lung cancer treatment. Max Super Specialty Hospital also offers various cancer surgeries such as Laparoscopic cancer surgeries, Breast Conservation Surgeries, Sphincter Preservation Surgery, Cosmetic Reconstructive Surgery, and HIPEC.

Max Healthcare

  • Paras Hospital: – Paras Health is dedicated to establishing a healthy Bharat by providing affordable, accessible, high-quality healthcare services. The organization’s mission is to deliver cheap and quality tertiary healthcare to communities that lack such services. Paras is renowned for being one of the best hospitals in India for lung cancer treatment because it has consistently achieved world-class clinical outcomes by staying up-to-date with the latest scientific developments and combining cutting-edge technology with its extensive medical expertise.

  • Tata Memorial Hospital: Tata Memorial Hospital, located in Mumbai, is a world-renowned cancer treatment and research centre. It offers comprehensive treatment for various types of cancer, including lung cancer.

  • Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital is considered one of India’s best lung cancer treatment hospitals. They have a dedicated oncology department with experienced and specialized oncologists focusing on lung cancer. This hospital specializes in cancer care and offers advanced medical technology and treatment options, including imaging, radiation therapy, and surgery. The hospital has a team of professionals, such as medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, surgical oncologists, pathologists, and supportive care, who work together to provide comprehensive patient care.

  • Apollo Hospital is another prominent name on the list of the best hospitals for lung cancer treatment in India. They are known for its excellence in providing top-notch renal care in the Indian healthcare sector. With well-equipped dialysis units and advanced transplant facilities, Apollo has successfully conducted numerous cancer surgeries and continues to offer high-quality treatment services. Modern medical technology is available at the facility, including cutting-edge imaging, diagnostics, and surgical instruments.

  • Wockhardt Hospitals, Mumbai: – Wockhardt Hospitals in India has been recognized as the best hospital for lung cancer treatment due to its 50-year history of healthcare and innovation. It is also India’s 5th largest pharmaceutical and medical institution, with a presence in 20 countries worldwide. The Department of Medical Oncology at Wockhardt Hospitals offers comprehensive care for adults and children with solid tumours and blood cancer. The department provides a range of clinical oncology specialities, including medical, surgical, radiation therapy, and bone marrow transplant, to diagnose and treat cancer patients.

  • Global Hospital, also known as Gleneagles Global Health City, is located in Chennai and has a capacity of 200 beds and 250 qualified doctors. The hospital is renowned for its exceptional lung cancer treatment facilities, equipped with advanced technology and staffed by experienced medical professionals. The team of oncologists at Global Hospitals consists of doctors who have received their education from some of the finest medical schools across the globe. In addition to the physicians and surgeons, the department is supported by a skilled team of radiologists, anaesthesiologists, nurses, and technicians, all of whom are dedicated to delivering the highest quality care and help to patients.

Conclusion: – This blog is only for informational and educational purposes; we don’t recommend using it for treatment purposes. To build your treatment package as required, contact the medical tourism company in India, “HTI”. 


HTI is known as a health treatment in India, and they don’t charge for the services they provide to international patients. If you’re looking for a reliable medical tourism company in India, consider HTIndia Healthcare. HTI is a leading Indian medical tourism company that offers the best services to patients for free. It has served more than 2000 patients worldwide with world-class services. HTI provides various services to patients, including accommodation, transportation, language assistance, discounted medicine, free consultation, multiple treatment options, and team support 24/7.


India is one of the fastest-growing medical tourism destinations, offering the best cancer treatment at a low cost. Every year, foreign and national cancer patients are treated with chemotherapy in India. It varies widely based on the specific medications used and the number of cycles necessary to treat Cancer. Nonetheless, chemotherapy costs in India are reasonable, and the best drugs and specialists are readily available. This mostly sends medical tourism patients to India from affluent nations such as the United States, Europe, and the Middle East, as well as countries with little resources such as Bangladesh, Africa, Sri Lanka, Iraq and Middle Eastern countries like Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan.

Chemotherapy for Cancer Patients in India is one of the reasons patients migrate to India since the most up-to-date medications are accessible there.

Chemotherapy is a critical treatment that can help patients combat Cancer. This detailed guide will shed light on how much chemotherapy costs in India, giving you a comprehensive understanding of the expenses involved. From the cost of different chemotherapy drugs to the fees charged by oncologists and hospitals, we will delve into every aspect of treatment expenses. By providing this information, we aim to empower you to make informed decisions about your healthcare journey. With cancer cases on the rise globally, it is essential to have a clear picture of the financial implications of chemotherapy. Whether you are an individual seeking treatment options or a caregiver supporting a loved one, understanding the costs can help you plan better and explore various avenues for financial assistance, such as insurance coverage or government schemes.

How much does chemo cost in India? Why do foreigners ask the most asked questions?

The answer to the most asked question is in this article. Whether you are an individual seeking treatment options or a caregiver supporting a loved one, understanding the costs can help you plan better and explore various avenues for financial assistance, such as insurance coverage or government schemes.

Cost: – Chemotherapy costs in India can vary greatly based on several factors, including the kind of cancer, the precise medications and treatment plan provided, the location of the treatment center, whether the patient is getting chemotherapy as an outpatient or inpatient, and if the patient is domestic or internationally. Furthermore, the patient’s health insurance coverage, if relevant, may have an impact on the cost. 

Chemo sessions sometimes take a few weeks or months as per the patient’s intake condition. Usually, it is completed within one month. 

Per session cost – 300$ to 2000$ for international patients. The cost mentioned above includes cancer types, city, chemo center or hospital, and tests. 

Depending on the kind of Cancer, the approximate chemotherapy cost might range between Rs 3,000,00 and Rs 20,000,00 (US$ 3000 TO US$ 30,000).

Chemotherapy is administered through IV (intravenous chemotherapy), with costs ranging from 70,000 ($1,000) to 1,05,000 ($1,500). 

Oral chemotherapy is another popular method of delivery; oral chemotherapy costs $56,000 ($800) in India.

Chemotherapy port prices start at $210,000 ($3,000) since little surgery is required, therefore the expenses are greater. These fees, as well as any subsequent treatments, are included in a package.

What is Chemotherapy?

It is a medical word that refers to the treatment of Cancer. Chemo refers to a drug that is used in this therapy to stop the new generation of cancer cells. Chemotherapy medications are intended to target and harm rapidly proliferating cells, including cancer cells. They can, however, disrupt healthy cells that divide fast, such as those in the bone marrow, hair follicles, and the gastrointestinal tract lining. This can result in hair loss, nausea, and a compromised immune system. Chemotherapy is usually given systemically, which means it circulates throughout the body via the bloodstream. This enables it to target cancer cells throughout the body, including those not visible or accessible by surgery.

It is one of the primary treatment techniques, alongside surgery, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and targeted therapy, depending on the kind and stage of Cancer. 

what is chemotherapy


More than a hundred different medicines are used in cancer chemotherapy. While all chemotherapy medications cause cell damage, they attack various cell targets at different stages of the cell cycle. Combining medications that destroy the cancer cells in different ways can improve the treatment’s effectiveness.

Depending on the kind and the treatment plan, chemo medications can be delivered in a variety of methods, including oral tablets, intravenous (IV) infusion, intramuscular injection, or directly into a specific body cavity.

The main types of chemotherapy:

  • Alkylating agents
  • Antimetabolites
  • Anti-tumour antibiotics
  • Topoisomerase inhibitors
  • Mitotic inhibitors
  • Plant alkaloids

Other medications that cure Cancer outside chemotherapy include hormone therapy, immunotherapy, and targeted treatment. Oncologists may employ chemotherapy in conjunction with another type of medicine in a patient’s treatment regimen. These medications are treated in different ways, and their adverse effects are typically distinct from those of chemotherapy. Discuss with your medical staff what to expect from your specific medicines.

Hormone therapy is in which certain hormones are removed, blocked, or added to the body. It is also known as endocrine treatment or hormonal therapy. 

Immunotherapy: – is another method of treatment in which the body’s immune system is used to recognize, target, and eliminate cancer cells. Immunotherapy has shown promise in the treatment of several forms of Cancer. It has 4 types of therapy.

  1. Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors: – These medications inhibit immunological responses by targeting proteins on the surface of immune cells or cancer cells. Immune checkpoint inhibitors work by removing the “brakes” on the immune system, allowing it to target cancer cells more efficiently. Pembrolizumab, nivolumab, and ipilimumab are a few examples.
  2. CAR T-Cell Therapy: – T-cell treatment entails genetically altering a patient’s T cells (a kind of immune cell) to express receptors capable of recognizing particular proteins in cancer cells. When these modified T cells are injected back into the patient, they target and destroy cancer cells. CAR T-cell therapy has been extremely effective in treating blood malignancies such as leukaemia and lymphoma.
  3. Cytokines: – Interferons and interleukins are cytokines that can activate the immune system to target cancer cells.
  4. Cancer Vaccines: – Cancer vaccines boost the immune system to recognize and target antigens associated with cancer. Some vaccinations are intended to prevent while others are intended to treat it.

Hormone Therapy: – Hormone treatment is used to treat hormone-sensitive malignancies by inhibiting hormone effects or lowering hormone production. It is also known as endocrine therapy; a cancer treatment that includes tampering with the body’s hormonal balance to delay or stop the growth of hormone-sensitive malignancies. It is mostly used to treat breast and prostate cancer, although it may also be useful in other hormone-dependent malignancies.

Here are several examples:

  • Tamoxifen (breast cancer treatment)
  • Leuprolide (prostate cancer treatment)
  • Aromatase inhibitors (for the treatment of breast cancer)

Types of Hormone Therapy:

Anti-estrogen treatment: This hormone treatment is to treat women with hormone receptor-positive breast cancer. Tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors (such as anastrozole, letrozole, and exemestane) are examples of such medications. Tamoxifen inhibits estrogen activity, but aromatase inhibitors diminish estrogen production in postmenopausal women.

  1. Anti-Androgen Therapy: – Prostate cancer is treated with anti-androgen treatment. It includes medications such as bicalutamide, enzalutamide, and abiraterone. These medications inhibit the effects of androgens (male hormones such as testosterone) on prostate cancer cells.
  2. LHRH: – These medications, such as leuprolide and goserelin, are used to treat prostate cancer. They suppress testosterone levels in males by inducing an increase in hormone production (a flare) at first, then gradually decreasing hormone production.
  3. Selective Oestrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs): These medications, like tamoxifen, can have estrogen-like actions in some tissues while acting as anti-estrogen in others. They are used in the treatment of breast cancer.
  4. SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators): SARMs, such as enobosarm, are emerging therapies for prostate cancer that target androgen receptors on cancer cells.

Targeted Chemotherapy: – also known as targeted chemotherapies, are cancer treatments that target specific chemicals or processes involved in cancer cell development and dissemination. Unlike typical chemotherapy, which may harm both diseased and healthy cells, targeted treatments are meant to specifically target and destroy cancer cells. This accuracy may result in fewer adverse effects and, maybe, improved efficacy in treating specific forms of cancer.

Side Effects of Chemotherapy

  • Nausea- light meals after the procedure are advised because they may cause nausea. 
  • Vomiting- some drugs may cause nausea effects. Vomiting cannot be considered a disease and cannot create any type of pain. It can cause weakness due to excess water loss.
  • Diarrhea- it is advised to take low-calorie foods because of weak digestion after the treatment. Diarrhea is a condition where watery tools are used more than once time in a day. It is a common problem and lasts a short time.
  • Hair loss- people may experience hair loss due to drugs. In some cases, facial hair or eyebrows are temporary.
  • Mouth sores- some treatment drugs may cause mouth ulcers, wounds, or infections due to radiation therapy.
  • Bleeding problems- in the chemotherapy process, blood components like platelets drop as bleeding problems may occur after a minor cut.
  • Infertility- It may reduce libido which causes an inability to produce offspring.


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