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Best Affordable Cardiology Treatment in India   

Cardiovascular diseases are a global concern. People are getting affected by heart disease because of cholesterol, unbalanced sugar level, smoke, alcohol & no physical exercise. We can decrease the risk of heart disease by adopting a good healthy life routine.   What is Cardiology?  Cardiology is a medical term used to specify heart disease. The word […]

What is Cancer?

Tumor cells that grow ferociously in the body are called Cancer.  Cancer is a vicious disease that spreads within human body cells unstoppable.  In simple language, it happens in body cells, and it starts growing & spread uncontrollably. Types:-  There is no exact count of Cancer types in the world; still, as per Wikipedia, more […]

Searching for the best medical treatment in India

India is one of most favorite top pick country for foreigners but India is famous not just for beautiful destinations or views.Medical tourism is one more reason for foreign attraction. The medical tourism business has been booming because of affordable costs,hospital facilities, doctor experience, and high-class technology. India also promotes homeopathic and Ayurveda along with […]